Ecology @ 6:41 PM
2) How do the physical features of the surroundings affect organisms? What are these physical factors? How do organisms adapt to these physical factors.
Since animals rely directly or indirectly on plants for food, the animals living in the region are determined by the plants growing there.
The organisms found in a region are usually adapted to the physical features of the environment.
The physical factors include:
1)Light intensity
3)Water availability
4)Oxygen content
5)Salt concentration of soil or water
6)pH of soil or water
1) Light intensity
Green plants exist only where there is an adequate supply of sunlight. Certain plants have developed adaptations to block off excessive light. For example, some plants have a dense covering of hairs on the leaf epidermis or a layer of thick-walled cells called the hypodermis just beneath the epidermis. These adaptations protect the plant by screening off excessive heat and reducing the rate of transpiration. (Loss of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant)
2) Temperature
Plants such as the cactus are adapted to survive in a hot environment as they can store water in their storage organs, the leaves have a very small surface area to reduce water loss.
3) Water availability
Some plants known as xerophytes are adapted t survive long droughts. Xerophytes may have some of these adaptations:
-They reduce the rate of transpiration by shedding their young leaves or by developing leaves reduced to spines.
-Their stems become fleshy, storingup much water.
-The green stems take over the function of photosynthesis from the leaves.
4) Oxygen content
Fish living in water of low oxygen content are usually air-breathers. They can come to the surface of the water to gulp for air.
5) Salinity
Saltwater fishes have a waterproof coat consisting of closely-fitting scales covered by a slimy mucous material which reduces the rate of water loss.
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