Ecology @ 8:49 PM
5) What is the relationship between predator and prey? Two predators with the same prey?
A predator is an organism that kills and feeds on other organisms. The organisms that are eaten are called the prey.
An increase in the population size of the prey means that more food is available for the predator. Therfore, an increase in population of the predator will be observed. This causes a decrease in the population of the prey, which in turn results in a decreased population of predators as there is less food available. This cycle then repeats itself.
A graph of changes in the population of predators and prey over time:

If there are two predators with the same prey, the population of the predator would be small as there is less food available to both predators. This will cause a jump in the population of the prey as population of both predators are small. The population of the predators would increase as there is more food available, thus causing a decrease in pupulation of prey. This cycle repeats itself.